
Special characters
Met-Map News
Contribution to the Descriptions
Modification of the pattern or boundaries on the Main Maps

Special characters

The Met-Map covers areas from 15 countries. Local names on the map sheets, further in Descriptions, and the names of the authors in bibliographies should be typed in correct way, using special characters. We consider it as an important issue, however the realization is not simple. Appearance of the web pages depends also on the setting of user's computer, thus we can not guarantee identical layout on every computer.
- The texts are edited using only
Unicode ArialCE and Times New RomanCE fonts.
- On the Main Maps the geographic names are typed using English transcription.
- The web pages of the Met-Map are using the ISO-8859-2 Codepage.
- If you want to see the characters with special accents also on other web pages from these countries it would be practical to set the browser of your computer to Central European charecter set. For example in Netscape: View / Character Coding / Cental European (ISO-8859-2).

Met-Map NEWS are issued by the
Editor once or twice quaterly. These short e-mails inform about new features of the system, latest Main Map versions, Descriptions and Pin-Board Articles, which were placed on the homepage.

– If you want to receive the Met-Map NEWS periodically, send an empty e-mail to the
Editor with subject: "subscribe Met-Map NEWS".

– If you want to cancel your subscription than send an empty e-mail to the
Editor with subject "unsubscribe Met-map NEWS".

Contribution to the Descriptions

- If you either want to add new results, interpretations, citations, etc. to a Description or you disapprove of the content, then contact
Responsible Compiler.

Case #1:
Responsible Compiler accepts your contribution or modification and he/she forwards modified text to Editor.
Editor receives and places the new version on the homepage and updates the history file of Description.
You become also
Compiler or Contributor and your name will be dispayed in the heading of the Description.

Case #2:
Responsible Compiler does not accept your contrivbution or modification.
If you still want to present your opinion, you can send a Pin-Board Article to
Editor, who will place it on the homepage without any moderation.

Modification of the pattern and/or boundaries on the Main Maps

- If you have suggestions to modify the content of the Main Maps then contact
Editor, National Coordinator(s) and Responsible Compilers(s) of those Units which you consider to be modified. Changing the Main Maps requires agreement of all these persons.

Case #1: Your suggestion is accepted. Submit the suggested modifications in
electronic form as a vector graphic to Editor.

Case #2: Your suggestion is not accepted. If we could not achieve a univocal solution then you can send your alternative map in bitmap form with explanatory text as a Pin-Board Article to
Editor. It will be placed on the Met-Map homepage without any moderation.