Mentioned on the Met-Map homepage:
Beck-Mannagetta, P. & Medwenitsch, W. (1978): Geology with Tectonics. In: Atlas of the Danubian Countries, ed. by Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa-Institut, Wien, Plate 131.
Frey, M., Desmons, J. and Neubauer, F. (1999): The new metamorphic map of the Alps: Introduction. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 79, 1-4.
Frank, W., Kralik, M., Scharbert, S. and Thöni, M. (1987): Geochronological data from the Eastern Alps. In: Flügel, H.W. and Faupl, P. (eds): Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps. F. Deuticke, Wien, pp. 272-281.
Flügel, H. W. (1988): Steirisches Becken- Südburgenländische Schwelle. Geologische Karte des prätertiären Untergrundes 1:200,000. Geol. B.-A. (Wien).
Fülöp, J. and Dank, V. eds. (1985): Pre-Tertiary basement map of Hungary. 1:500, 000. Hung. Geol. Surv., Budapest.
Harland, W.B., Armstrong, R.L., Cox, A.V., Craig, L.E., Smith, A.G. and Smith, D.G. (1989): A Geologic Time Scale 1989. Cambridge University, Cambridge, 263 p.
Schuster, R., Scharbert, S., Abart, R. and Frank, W. (2001): Permo-Triassic extension and related HT/LP metamorphism in the Austroalpine - Southalpine realm. Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud. Österr. 45, 111-141. Vienna.
Szádeczky-Kardoss, E., Árkai, P., Balázs, E., Beck-Mannagetta, P., Bercea, I., Boyadijev, S. G., Danilovich, Yu. R., Dimitriević, M., Giuscă, D., Juhász, Á., Kamenický, J., Karamata, S., Kräutner, H., Kovách, Á., Nagy, E., Ravasz-Baranyai, L., Savu, H., Semenenko, N. P., Szederkényi, T., Szalay, Á., Štelcl, J., Tkachuk L. G., Wieser, T. and Weiss, J. (1976): Map of metamorphites of the Carpatho-Balkan-Dinaride area, 1:1,000,000. Published by the Laboratory for Geochemical Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Central Office of Geology, Hungary.
Vörös, A. and Csontos, L. (submitted): Mesozoic Plate tectonic recontruction of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian region: Part I: Terrane analysis, constraints. Tectonophysics.
Maps are used to complete the present state boundaries of the former Yugoslavia:
Jugoslavien & Makedonien. Euro-Regionalkarte 1:300.000, RV Reise- und Verkehrsverlag, München, Stuttgart. ISBN: 3.575.33215.0
Road Map of Croatia, Studio Bregant Ltd. Zagreb