Description of the Units

General comments

— A part of the items below are suggestions, besides the obligatory paragraphs any kind of relevant data can be presented.
— The aimed format is as simple as possible, for example only Arial, Courier, and TimesNewRoman fonts are used. (Consider, please, that the records will be entered in computer systems, thus some restrictions should be applied.)
— In case of inserting Figures ensure copyright permission, and give exact reference (with page number), please.
— List the references in the sub-chapters in chronologic order, please.
— Compile the Bibliography as complete as possible, please. Thus, these Descriptions can be used later as an important literature guide of the area.

Here comes an example Description. A part of the chapters is presented by suggestions, another part by example texts.
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Serif font: suggestions for the content.
        underlined text: linked to other web pages or to the chapters of the Description


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Unit name (+ abbreviation, 3 upper case characters)
        Consider, please, that the former and widely used subdivisions of the area are mainly based either on the Mesozoic facies distributions or on the latest, Miocene fault pattern. In most cases it would not be practical to overtake these nomenclatures for the Met-Map.
        In case of extended Units crossing several countries give "from-to" names using names from the most distant places, please.

Version 1 (this linked file contains the updating history, former versions, etc.)

Compiled: X. Y and N. N. (2001)
each later Contributor will be noted here

        Geographic Position
        Structural Position
Age of Protolith, Geochemistry
Lithology, Mineralogy, Metamorphic Grade
Structural Evolution


Main features and distinguishing criterion - briefly (with references).

Geographic Position
Give exact description on the position, size and outcropping, please:

The unit forms an approx. 200 km long, 10 to 50 km broad belt from XY to QQ. Exposed in X and Y mountains, but a minor part is covered by non-metamorphic Neogene sediments and volcanics.
OR: The unit is completely covered by Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene and Neogene sediments, it has no outcrop on the surface. Reached by approx. 30 cored boreholes.
OR: ...forms several isolated patches...
OR: ...forms dissected lenses arranged parallel to X fault system...
1) Bibliography: list of map-containing publications where the Boundaries of the Unit and details of the spatial distribution are presented.
2) Maps of detailed key areas (presented as pictures). Occurrences of diagnostic metamorphic minerals are not presented on the Main maps. These point-like symbols, the in-out isolinies of minerals and the thermal gradient of the metamorphism (see suggested key in Legend) can be presented in small maps of the Descriptions or in the Pin-board Articles.
Most important boreholes reached the metamorphic basement. Indicate the lithology and give reference, when possible.
Arrangement, name (when exist), and character of the bordering tectonic elements - normal fault, strike slip, overthrust (with references).

Structural Position
Position within the nappe system (with references).

Can be distinguished by metamorphic grade, by the protolith or according to spatial distribution. The historical nomenclature and subdivisions can be mentioned also here. The boundaries of Subunits are not necessarily presented on the Main maps, but here it is possible to insert small sketch maps on the areal position of Subunits.

Relationship to other units, analogues according to age of metamorphism and/or protolith (considering units also outside the map).

Age of Protolith, Geochemistry
Characterisation of the protolith (lithology, facies, etc.). Sedimentation age (fossils when documented) and/or pre-metamorphic magmatic age. Major geochemical features (with references).

Lithology, Mineralogy, Metamorphic Grade
Typical lithologies, metamorphic facies, characteristic mineral assemblages main geochemical features (with references).

Textual, table-form and graphic presentation of vitrinite reflexion, illite crystallinity and all other thermobarometric data including exchange and solvus geothermetry, net transfer reactions, phengite and XJd barometry, CAI, fluid inclusions, etc. Indicate the method, minerals used and the range of results, please. Subdivision according to "Subunits", when possible (with references).

Geochronology, Age of Metamorphic Event(s)
Textual, table-form and graphic (time-temperature paths, results plotted on maps) presentation of published data according to "Subunits" determined in chapter "Definition" (with references). It is also required to write evidently when no geochronological data are published or when they are not reliable (e.g., only whole rock K/Ar measurements are available).
        In the tables indicate both the method and the dated mineral phase, please. If a publication presents different results from more areas or by different methods put them in separate lines.

Subunit A



Range (n)


K/Ar amphibole



W. Frank (in Koller, 1985)

K/Ar white mica

ca. 21

19, 23 (2)

W. Frank (unpublished)

K/Ar white mica(1)


25-38 (7)

Balogh et al. (1983)

K/Ar white mica(2)


16.5-31.3 (12)

Balogh et al. (1983)

FT zircon


13.5-21.9 (17)

Dunkl and Demény (1997)

FT apatite

ca. 8.5

7.3, 9.7 (2)

I. Dunkl (unpublished)

(1) Mainly metagranitoid samples around Sinus Iridium.
(2) A profile was measured west of Tranquillitatis.

Subunit B
        The majority of the Rb/Sr biotite data interpreted as Cretaceous cooling ages. The few Paleogene ages were determined close to the western boundary of the Unit.




Range (n)


U/Pb zircon



y-y (n)

Bibiková et al. (1988)

Rb/Sr biotite



yy-zz (nn)

Bagdasarjan et al. (1985)

FT apatite



yyy-zzz (nnn)

Král' and Burchart (1983)

Subunit C
        The Subunit is mainly composed of metabasaltic rocks and marbles, no reliable isotope geochronologic data are available, but according to the structural position Subunit C is evidently a part of the discussed Unit. OR: ... it is supposed, that...

OR: No metamorphic basement known and no geochronologic data available from this Unit, but the well exposed Mesozoic sequences do not show any metamorphic overprint which is in contrast to the surrounding Mare Imbrium Unit having Alpine metamorphism.

Structural Evolution
Description of S1...Sn and D1...Dn phases and their relation to the geochronologic data. Characteristic internal structures (with references).

All the other chapters of the Description present exact, factual data. Here the Compiler(s) can discuss the history of the Unit. Paleogeographic, plate-tectonic, tectono-metamorphic considerations can be presented here. This chapter necessarily contains subjective elements according to the opinion of the Compiler(s), but it is necessary to present an interpretation of the data listed above.

List also those references which are considered as "outdated". Follow the rather simple format presented below, please (journal article, book chapter and conference abstract, respectively). Mention also excursion guides, and give complete journal title, please.

Árkai, P. and Balogh, K. (1989): The age of metamorphism of the East Alpine type basement, Little Plain, W-Hungary: K-Ar dating of K-white micas from very low- and low-grade metamorphic rocks. Acta Geologica Hungarica, 32, 131-147.

Frank, W., Kralik, M., Scharbert, S. and Thöni, M. (1987): Geochronological data from the Eastern Alps. In: Flügel, H. W. and Faupl, P. (eds): Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps. F. Deuticke, Wien, pp. 272-281.

Sedletsky, S., Semenenko, N. P., Zeydis, B. B. and Demidenko, S. G. (1965): The absolute age of metamorphic schists of pre-Mesozoic fundament of the Polish Carpathians and Svyatshinske Mts. (in Russian). Karpat Balkan Geological Association, VII Kongress Sofija, Doklady, III., 65-71.

        These are the standard links at the end of every Description.

Description of the neighbouring units:
Mare Serenitatis
Sinus Medii
The Tycho


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